Reading aloud

Monday, August 27, 2018 - 18:18
Reading aloud

Reading aloud is a wonderful tool to help children learn to read smoothly, build fluency skills, continuity and confidence. At CityKidz we encourage children of all ages to read aloud. Not only will this help children to comprehend what they are reading, it will also allow them to listen to their voice. Hearing their voice assists them in identifying their unique writing voice. Learning to read aloud with confidence and clarity reaps many benefits.

Some of the benefits include:
  • Reading aloud improves your visual memory and ability to see images in your mind.
  • Reading aloud improves your spelling. You are sounding out words, detecting syllables, and visually connecting to the words. All of these processes enhance spelling awareness.
  • Reading aloud is the best exercise you can do to improve your own writing and speaking. It is great practice for public speaking.
Together let us continue with the practise of reading aloud and help mould our future leaders.