Shared Writing

Thursday, August 23, 2018 - 16:15
Shared Writing

Shared Writing is an instructional approach to teach writing to children by writing with them. The idea is to teach writing through writing. The process of writing is demonstrated by the teacher through a ‘write aloud’ process. The teacher establishes the purpose of shared writing and brain storms ideas with the class. The children contribute their ideas while the teacher models the writing process, focusing on the specific elements of writing. In other words, the pen is always in the teacher’s hand. Shared writing is a powerful method for teaching key skills and concepts needed for the writing process.

In Grade 2A we used this approach to create a recipe for Vanilla Cupcakes. We had fun collecting ideas and created a mind map. We then wrote the recipe and completed the shared writing process with drawing our cupcakes.

Grade 2A Greetings