Classroom Activities

Grade Rb learners are curious and inquisitive

02 August 2017

The Grade Rb learners are curious and inquisitive.
They love and enjoy learning through play,
singing, rhyming, and making up their own words.
They are also able to count up to 20 and back, they can even count up to a 100.

Sparkle Kidz

23 April 2017

Sparkle Kidz               

As the journey has already started into the world of the mysterious Winter Woods, where curiosity and adventure leads Sparkle Kidz to an amazing discovery to reveal a magical secret that will make them Sparkle and Shine.

Family Trees

26 February 2017

The Grade R's created colourful family trees. 

Sparkle Kidz

07 November 2016

To my Sparkle Kids

I'm glad I was your teacher
I've come to love you so.
As the year comes to an end 

And we must part.
Always know you're in my heart
Have a wonderful vacation....
Remember to come visit me next year!

Grade Rb learners hard at work and play.

20 April 2016

Our Grade Rb learners colouring in the lines. What fun!

Grade R 2016

19 April 2016

A jump and a skip and a hop away having left 2015 astray, the New Year 2016 is upon us hip hip hooray!  With open arms we welcome our grade R’s to have a splendid year of fun, learning, exciting moments and exhilarating adventures.  A new dawn is upon us as we embrace the rays of sunshine that gl
