Peace Meditation with Mrs Paula Plit

27 May 2024
Peace Meditation with Mrs Paula Plit

Friday the 24th was no ordinary day among learners and teachers in Grade 2 and Grade 3. There was a sense of calm and serenity in the air as our learners were taking part in the Africa’s Largest Peace Meditation.

Mrs Paula Plit was very excited to lead the enthusiastic class. Learners and teachers were taught how to perform the Sun Salutation, they executed it with so much eagerness and joy. Next we listened to a meditation audio. For some, it was a new and serene experience. I was very impressed by the excellent listening skills demonstrated, and how our learners embraced the whole exercise.

Learners followed instructions diligently and listened attentively! The hall was transformed into a sea of tranquillity. Our learners gained a critical skill this morning, the ability to focus and position themselves in a calming atmosphere amidst the noisy surroundings-a valuable skill that we all need in our fast-paced world. We hope that our learners will practice meditation as often as possible as this will enable them to handle frustrating or difficult situations in a calm manner. Mrs Plit commended her class for showing high levels of discipline and enthusiasm.

We would like to extend my gratitude to Mrs Plit for the initiative. It came at the right time and gave us an opportunity to de-stress, reflect and relax during the busiest time of the term.