First Aid Training at CityKidz

24 June 2024
First Aid Training at CityKidz

Accidents, whether on the playground, in the classroom, the toilets or even in the staffroom, require prompt and effective first aid. No staff member wants to feel unprepared for the shout that summons them to a sprained ankle, a nosebleed or bumped head.

CityKidz strives to create a safer environment for learners and staff. This week, fifteen staff members attended a two-day first aid training course facilitated by MediResponse. On Day One, the training instructors, Richard Sithole and Aiden Mosselman, covered first aid theory. Many of us expected this to be dry as dust but their engaging delivery and mix of interactive learning methods made the day interesting and thought-provoking. Myths were dispelled as we learned the Heimlich Manoeuvre for choking, to apply cool running water for superficial burns and valuable nuggets such as no toothpaste or green soap on burns, no paper plugs for nosebleeds. Day Two had the participants applying the theory and practising the core components of First Aid Training.

Highlights were:

  • Bleeding Control: How to apply pressure and use bandages.
  • Wound Care: cleaning, dressing and care of wounds.
  • Fracture Management: Applying splints to immobilize broken bones.

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation): chest compressions and rescue breaths to maintain circulation and oxygen flow to the brain. CPR was by far the favourite and the most strenuous. One hundred chest compressions had everyone puffing as we resuscitated the dolls. Every participant gave it their all especially with removing objects from the mouths of the baby dolls and then using two fingers or thumbs to restart their hearts. The facilitators gave us food for thought when they asked: What role does first aid play in the workplace for you?

Apart from the obvious answers, we also discussed the empowerment we all felt, not feeling so helpless should an emergency arise. CityKidz is now a prepared workplace with a squad of qualified first aiders who can supervise learners on outings or trips with confidence. By the end of the training, we had not only gained a first aid certificate but also invaluable skills that have transformed us from ordinary individuals into lifesavers. We are now equipped for emergencies, whether it is a fainting teacher, a squiffy-eyed learner reeling from a thud on the head, a stray knee connecting with sharp edges or a teeny tiny paper cut, all of which makes us first-aiders reach for our skills and the first-aid box.