Classroom Activities

Cardio desk drumming

10 May 2021

The Grade 1’s grabbed some pool noodles and got moving throughout the day. Great for body, brain and so much more. Some of our learners practiced the routine using their desks , while other learners focused on using upper body strength to dance away and drum in the “Funky Factory“ .

A lovely "Show and Tell" experience

14 March 2021

Grade 4 learners were tasked with bringing an object that is value to them and talk about the object. A lovely "Show and Tell" experience.

Musical instruments from recycled materials

14 March 2021

The Grade 2's created the most amazing musical instruments from recycled materials. They created a cacophony of sounds demonstrating the sound of their instruments. The spoke about how and why they chose to make their chosen instruments. Well done, Grade 2's you are all rock stars!

Learning timelines in the 3rd Grade

24 February 2021

We all look upon lives through a special lens. This perspective we have of our lives results in a unique timeline that no one can take away from us. It is this unique means of recording our existence that the Grade 3s have been focusing on in Life Skills.

Letter formation using flour, salt, sugar or sand.

25 January 2021

Teacher Fatima's Grade 1's practiced letter formation using flour, salt, sugar or sand.

Letter writing can be fun

14 November 2020
Letter writing can be fun . The Grade 2’s were given a task of writing a letter to Santa as part of a Christmas themed activity for the Creative writing concept in English .

Electrical Circuits

14 November 2020

This is the work that was done by our Grade 5 learners. Experimenting that electrical appliances have circuits that take electrical energy from the energy source like battery or mains electricity to where it is needed.
