
Snug like a bug!

10 May 2016

We're getting so tired.
It's time to lie down.
We're glad it is naptime
We won't make a sound.

We're getting so tired.
We can't wait to rest.
And once we are rested,
We'll be at our best.

Paper Flowers on Mother's Day

08 May 2016

Mother, I love you,
For all that you do.
I'll kiss you and hug you,
Because you love me, too.
You feed me and need me,
To teach you to play,
So smile because I love you,
On this Mother's Day

Crazy Hair Day Crazy Snapchat Pictures

27 April 2016

Crazy Civvies Hair Day....Grade 2C had the best fun with teacher Fatima...A crazy SNAPSHOT DAY !! WE love you Teacher Fatima. You made our day so special. YOU ARE THE BEST

Grade Rb learners hard at work and play.

20 April 2016

Our Grade Rb learners colouring in the lines. What fun!

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream

19 April 2016

The 2nd term has dawned upon us and as we would normally expect new seasons to wash away the old. With new changes on the horizon this term may seem different to our little ones. As always, we must welcome the challenges and succeed at all times and know that the sacrifice was worth the effort.

Grade R 2016

19 April 2016

A jump and a skip and a hop away having left 2015 astray, the New Year 2016 is upon us hip hip hooray!  With open arms we welcome our grade R’s to have a splendid year of fun, learning, exciting moments and exhilarating adventures.  A new dawn is upon us as we embrace the rays of sunshine that gl


14 March 2016

Grade 5 Learners learning about the importance of time.
