Grade 2 Lory Park Zoo

10 May 2024
Grade 2 Lory Park Zoo

On the 26th of April a group of excited Grade 2 learners from CityKidz school embarked on an unforgettable adventure to Lory Park Zoo. The informative tour, expertly guided by the zoo's knowledgeable staff, offered the young explorers a unique opportunity to discover the wonders of the animal kingdom.

Throughout the day, the students enthusiastically engaged with various exhibits, learning fascinating facts about an array of creatures, including snakes, lions, tigers, and many more. The tour guides' expertise and passion for wildlife shone through as they shared intriguing insights and anecdotes, captivating the young minds.

The learners were thrilled to observe the animals up close, asking inquisitive questions and displaying a keen interest in the diverse species. The interactive experience not only broadened their knowledge but also fostered a sense of appreciation and respect for the natural world. "We are grateful to the dedicated team at Lory Park Zoo for providing our students with an enriching and memorable experience," said a CityKidz school representative. "This tour has not only enhanced their understanding of wildlife but also inspired a love for learning and exploration."

The students left the zoo with beaming smiles, already looking forward to their next adventure. The experience will undoubtedly have a lasting impact, shaping their perspective on the importance of conservation and the wonders of the animal kingdom. Kudos to Lory Park Zoo and CityKidz school for making learning so much fun!