
Grade 6B - Our future IT Bofffins

12 September 2014

Our computer program at CityKidz equips learners with a solid foundation in the theory and application of all aspects of computing and information sciences.


07 September 2014

We also focus on Technology, it's one of the subjects which our learners need to start learning by themselves as they are actively making choices about how to generate, obtain, manipulate, or display information.  At CityKidz we try to expose our learners to learn as many skills as possible.


07 September 2014

Our children are taught that in Mathematics every problem has a solution. The only way to learn Mathematics is to do Mathematics.


07 September 2014

CityKidz learners are taught how to use the creative process - singing, writing, ART and dance to get to know themselves better.

Creating ART pieces allows learners to experience a sense of achievement and enjoy the creative process.

Grade 4 - Dedication to Nelson Mandela

22 August 2014
Grade 4 dedication to Nelson Mandela

The Grade 4's have chosen a theme about Nelson Mandela because we have just commemorated his birthday in July.

Grade 3 Activities

22 August 2014

In Grade 3 Mrs Dube and Mrs Ndlovu try to instil a thirst for knowledge amongst their learners. The inquisitive group of learners love to gain as much information about the world around them.

Grade 7 Art work with Mrs Gwara

17 August 2014

Grade 7 learners created collages to depict CityLife. Mrs Gwara provided guidance and showed them different art techniques.
