Classroom Activities

Creative Arts

05 September 2016

Our Grade 7 learners using waste materials to make articles that they can use everyday. Materials such as, dolls, toy cars, mats, cutions, etc. This is part of their Creative Arts work.

Natural Sciences and Technology

05 September 2016

Grade 4 learners making a simple circuit for their Natural Science and Technology as part of their technology skills.

Natural Sciences and Technology

05 September 2016

Our Grade 6 and 7 girls leading the boys in our Natural Sciences and Technology projects. This is so special since we pride ourselves as a school in giving the girl child equal opportunities as boys.

From a book worm to a successful butterfly

03 September 2016

A reading corner is the heart beat of a classrooms environment.

Book Character Dress up

26 August 2016

Last week the Grade 2’s had a fantastic time taking part in dressing up as their favourite book characters and authors. Some came walking into school dressed as fairies, monsters and we even had a karate kid.

Johannesburg South Spell-a-thon

18 August 2016

We had our First Spell-a-thon on Wednesday 17 August 2016 for grade 2's.

What a challenge but we chose two winners from each class to participate again on Friday 19 August 2016.

The learners that will write again will be:

Doubling Numbers

18 August 2016

We had some great fun with Doubling Numbers in our class.

What does it mean to Double numbers?

In grade 2 we learn how to double numbers:

Double numbers will work like this: Double 21 = 21 + 21 = 42
