
Tyre garden

03 September 2015

The Grade four learners are very excited about their blooming tyre garden. It seemed like punishment in the beginning when they were asked to bring soil for its inception but they are very proud of their gardens. It has become the first site to view every morning before lessons start.

Technology Project

30 August 2015

Our Grade 7 learners working on an Electromagnetic Crane. The Crane uses an electro magnet to separate metals from non-metals. 

3D Objects

30 August 2015

Grade 4, learners make models out of clay as part of their creative activity using the art elements they have learned.

Visual Arts

16 November 2014

Tawananyasha Kadanga: Art


16 November 2014

Mathematics continues to pause a challenge to a number of our learners. May be this has something to do with the stereotype that Mathematics is a difficult subject. Other learners seem to enjoy learning the subject and it is these same learners that do well in the subject.

Unlocking the World of Sciences

17 October 2014

At CityKidz we believe that Natural Sciences is all about nurturing a natural curiosity in learners. As a Science teacher, I encourage a practical learner centered approach towards discovering how things work.

careers day

18 September 2014

Parents be proud of your children. Grade 7s were so busy researching for information about careers and preparing scenarios to role-play for the 12th September. Their hard work paid off. Career dress up Day was successful. Ms B Dlamini and Mr Mafa from the Department of Education paid us a visit.
