
Staff update First Aid

19 November 2016

What a great opportunity we experienced as CityKidz teachers on the 12 of November 2016. We actively participated in a first Aid and training course. New concepts, skills and techniques of saving lives were learnt.

Robin Hood, Remembered

11 November 2016

When l got there l was excited and the place was so big and amazing. When the show began there were bright lights ,my eyes were sore ,but l didn’t care because l had so much fun especially ,when we were booing the bad people.

Christmas Party 2016

02 November 2016

A super Christmas party was arranged by Afhco on Tuesday 01 November. The morning started off with the entire school dancing the Zumba on the field. They were then entertained by Bongi. He certainly did not need an introduction after reading about him in the newsletter.

Staff Workshop

29 October 2016

On Saturday 29 October all staff attended a workshop at school. Our topic was “Discipline” we updated and refreshed our knowledge and entertained discussion around improving the discipline of our learners. We see this as a process of review and energetic problem solving.

Entrepreneurs Day

28 October 2016

Friday was filled with excitement. The Grade 7 learners had a chance to be young entrepreneurs. They enthusiastically prepared their goods and were on their feet busy selling most of the day. Some of them reflected that being at school is not so bad because working all day is very tiring.

Grade 7 Career Day

15 October 2016

On Friday 16 October the Grade 7s` participated in Career Dress Up Day at school, sometimes we tend to forget that they are so young; children of whom we ask a lot.


14 October 2016

Our Grade 2-7’s will be attending the performance: ROBIN HOOD AND THE BABES IN THE WOOD
