
Grade 6 Science Project

14 August 2021

Grade 6's Term 3 NST Lemon Battery Project. 

Mr Mathekga  inspired his classes to find ways of overcoming loadshedding. Well done to our aspiring scientists and engineers!


14 August 2021

Learning shapes not only helps learners identify and organize visual information, but it also helps them to learn skills in other areas including reading, math, and science. Learning shapes also helps learners understand signs and symbols.


14 August 2021

A topic and theme we had started online, our Grade 2’s now had the chance to practically understand the different types of soils which we had been learning about, namely sand, clay, and loam soil. 

Grade 7 Technology

22 May 2021

Networks can be a challenge at times. Grade 7's were tasked to build a cellphone tower that blends in the environment. They enjoyed using their technology skills to practically solve the network challenge. Our top network companies would be impressed!

Cardio desk drumming

10 May 2021

The Grade 1’s grabbed some pool noodles and got moving throughout the day. Great for body, brain and so much more. Some of our learners practiced the routine using their desks , while other learners focused on using upper body strength to dance away and drum in the “Funky Factory“ .

A lovely "Show and Tell" experience

14 March 2021

Grade 4 learners were tasked with bringing an object that is value to them and talk about the object. A lovely "Show and Tell" experience.

Musical instruments from recycled materials

14 March 2021

The Grade 2's created the most amazing musical instruments from recycled materials. They created a cacophony of sounds demonstrating the sound of their instruments. The spoke about how and why they chose to make their chosen instruments. Well done, Grade 2's you are all rock stars!
