Cardio desk drumming

Monday, May 10, 2021 - 07:43
Cardio desk drumming

The Grade 1’s grabbed some pool noodles and got moving throughout the day. Great for body, brain and so much more. Some of our learners practiced the routine using their desks , while other learners focused on using upper body strength to dance away and drum in the “Funky Factory“ . This routine is great for social distancing and can be incorporated both inside and outside of the classroom.
The “Baby Shark” song uses pool noodles as drumsticks. The routine switches from drumming on the desks/ floor to jogging on one place . It has the learners dancing to the tune and bending down to a drum low which crosses the midline and improves learner focus.

Cardio drumming can be adapted to any song , Mam Sane and the Grade 1C’s incorporated Mathematics into their routine practicing to the tune of “ Counting Beasts”. It is one of the coolest and most enjoyable dancing /cardio routines.