Grade 2 & 3 prize giving

Friday, December 1, 2023

As the school year draws to a close, the excitement is tangible in the air as the Grade 2 and 3 learners eagerly anticipate the prize-giving ceremony. This event not only recognizes their academic accomplishments but also celebrates the remarkable journey these young learners have undertaken since they first stepped into the world of formal education in Grade R, where the first brick was laid on a strong foundation. For these learners, the prize-giving marks an important milestone in their academic and personal development. Reflecting on where they began, in Grade R it’s awe-inspiring to see the great progress they’ve made in such a short span of time.

In the early days of Grade 2, these learners entered their class with wide-eyed curiosity embarking on a journey of discovery. From learning the tactics of reading and mathematics to exploring the eruption of volcanoes and wonders of more science and Life skills, their academic foundation began to take shape. The nurturing CityKidz School environment provided by the dedicated teachers played a pivotal role in fostering their love of learning.