Voting in Grade 2 A B C

Saturday, August 13, 2016 - 10:40

In Grade 2 A B C we had  fun with our voting day. This day was devoted to teaching our children about a democracy and why we should vote.

We executed the voting process with our classes to make sure that they knew why and how we vote.

What is voting?

Voting is a way for a group to make a decision.

Who can vote?

Our children are ready to learn about our democracy and the Constitution which describes how we should govern ourselves. All South African citizens, 18 years or older, are allowed to vote. In the past, people were denied the right to vote because of social class, gender or ethnic origin. 

Why can't children vote in our country's election?

Although our children got caught up in election excitement they were disappointed to learn that they don't get a vote. In order to vote in this country, you have to meet citizenship, residency and age requirements, meaning you have to be at least 18. Although they can't vote in the municipality election, they can still vote in class, with their family or with a group of friends, and that's just what we did.

We need to vote to make the world a better place, so we hope that all moms and dads made their mark for a better future for his/her child.

Till next Time

Voting Greetings

Mrs M Strydom , Mrs C Moyo and Mrs F Abed

All the Grade 2's