Admissions Grade RR 2016

29 August 2015
Sports break

We will be starting our FIRST Grade RR class in 2016.

Prospective pupils must turn 4 by 30 June in the year of their entry into Grade RR.

We feel that there is a need for a class in this age group. Many parents pay exorbitant fees at inner city crèche’s/ preschools which in effect only provide “babysitting” services. Many are not geared towards providing the necessary foundation work, whereas our school will provide work that is structured and age appropriate. The Grade RR’s will be taught the basics correctly. Grade RR class for 2016 will focus on the following:

  • They will be introduced to a program of learning that will stimulate intellectual and creative abilities through, games, puzzles, art, storytelling, music and play.
  • They will develop their language skills, be introduced to the alphabet and numbers in an informal and fun way.
  • They will learn to write their names, do basic adding and subtraction on a concrete level. 
  • The programme is designed to cover cognitive and social skills enabling your child to cope with social relationships. 
  • They will learn how to share, take turns and interact cooperatively with each other