Grade RR and R Rietvlei Animal Farm visit

15 August 2022
Grade RR and R Rietvlei Animal Farm visit

From the early hours of the morning on Friday you could feel the excitement beginning to grow as our little learners began arriving at school - quite happy to wave goodbye to their Parents and dash to their waiting class teacher and friends.... little snack bags held tightly in one hand and a wave to greet goodbye in the other.... The busses arrived and our snacks were packed by Nozie, the class teachers took roll call and we carefully climbed onto the bus and took our seats... merrily, merrily off we went..... The drive to Rietvlei was full of laughter and chatting amongst the little learners. One question was repeatedly asked: "are we there yet?"

Grade R learners enjoyed the horse ride and commented how very big he was! Pappa Lloyd looked very comfortable on the big horse when it was his turn! Grade RR learners enjoyed the train ride, waving to everyone in sight! If you looked carefully, you would have spotted Ma'am King and Ma'am Fatima on the train! The learners got to see ducks, chickens, sheep and noisy goats. The Grade RR's were not very impressed with the Pot Belly pigs or oink - oinks as Segomotso (RR) called them as they were stinky. The learners enjoyed the various Jungle Gyms.

Very tired but happy little CityKidz learners arrived back at school and were so happy to see Parents and Drivers almost forgetting their CityKidz party pack! Thank you to all our Parents for your support during the day! Thank you Grade RR and R team and Pappa Lloyd - A fun trip was had!