Lion Safari Park

10 August 2018
Lion Safari Park - Grade 6

It is fun to go on an outing because you learn things that you didn’t know and you get opportunities to do things that you haven’t done. The Grade 6’s enjoyed an outing to the Lion Park on Friday 3 August.

On a game drive we saw springbok, lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, zebra and giraffe and learnt interesting and unusual facts about how these animals live and survive in their environment.  Some of us got to touch lion cubs in an enclosure and to feed and touch hand reared giraffes. We were scared , nervous , brave and excited all at the same time. Mr Therion and Ms Corrigan took pictures of us with the lion cubs.

The trip was mind-blowing and we discovered new things in life. The Lion Park was ROARTASTIC! 

Written by 6B, Compiled by SC Corrigan