Urban Rangers and CPF’s

08 April 2022
Urban Rangers and CPF’s

Many of you may not know that we are fortunate to have the services in our neighbourhood of the Urban Rangers and CPF’s, from Urban Space Management, as part of the City South Precinct operations.

Urban Rangers are always busy cleaning, removing illegal dumping and weeding while the Community Police Forum members are patrolling and supporting the Urban Rangers when they need assistance.

During a typical school day Goud and School Street is always jam-packed with students, school vehicles taxis and busses which often causes congestion in our area. After the students enter into their schools the area becomes relatively quiet until the hub-hub starts again from 13h30 to 16h00.

The team of heroes are doing their level best to drive out vagrants and illegal traders in the precinct. The matter of illegal traders has been reported to Joburg Metro Police Department and they are still waiting for their feedback. Urban Rangers has finished to slash off the grass at corner School Street and Heidelberg Street and continue to always help maintain keeping our environment clean.

On the 18 of February 2022, there was an operation which took place along End Street between Albert and Durban Streets. They demolished illegal shacks and PIKITUP staff cleaned up the area. We would like to thank Norman Maluleke ,the Operations Manager, his entire team of Urban Rangers and CPF’s for ALL their hard work.

As a community it is al collective responsibility to ensure we have a clean, safe and welcoming environment.