
Welcome to 2016 at CityKidz

16 January 2016

Welcome to the new school year! I hope everyone had a very good festive season , and that you are all ready for a wonderful start to the first term of 2016.

Prize Giving 2015

12 December 2015

The annual prize giving ceremony took place on the 2nd of December. Congratulations to all our deserving achievers and a great big thank you to all our parents, special visitors and staff who made this day a great success!

Class of 2015

06 December 2015
Well done to the Class of 2015. We wish the Grade 7's all the best as they go off to High School and wish all our other pupils a happy return for 2016.

Christmas Party 2015

03 December 2015

The MMID Christmas Party took take place on Thursday. The children had loads of fun. There were Jumping Castles,Slip n Slides, yummy food and other fun activities, but most importantly Santa made a brief appearance to hand out wonderful gifts.

Grade 7 Entrepreneurs Day

27 November 2015

The Grade 7 Entrepreneur Day was held in conjunction with the civvies day.

Grade R Graduates - Well Done!

26 November 2015

50 Graduates were seen on stage while parents were cheering and taking photographs whilst congratulating their children for progressing to Grade 1 or Grade R next year as they collected their certificates.

Well done Gummibears and Sparkle Kidz!

Merit Certificates Term 3 2015

13 November 2015

Congratulations to our learners who are working towards obtaining merits in the Behaviour Bank. Learners who achieved the most merits for TERM THREE received certificates.
