
Grade 7 Leadership Day

20 March 2015

On Tuesday, in the picturesque environment of Magaliesburg, our Grade 7 learners participated in a variety of fun, meaningful leadership development activities. Everyone enjoyed the day thoroughly. Some learners displayed impressive leadership   potential.

Greymatter & Finch’s annual tree-planting

27 February 2015

CityKidz was nominated by Laura Brady and Natalie Parker as a worthy beneficiary for Greymatter & Finch’s annual tree-planting initiative for their carbon footprint.

CityKidz wins its first Inter School's Athletics !!

20 February 2015

CityKidz had the exciting opportunity to participate for the first time in an Inter School Athletics meeting on Thursday, 19 February.

Pretty in Red...

14 February 2015

Wow! What a sight! Love was in the air on Friday the 13th, when CityKidz celebrated Valentine’s Day. Pretty girls all dressed in red and white. Cool guys looking so handsome in red T-shirts.


06 February 2015

A large number of parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters came to watch what turned out to be a glorious sports day. The venue was just perfect and it felt like a real family day outing. (Mom’s and Dad’s races were ‘particularly exciting and they were able to score house points.)

Grade R Intake 2015

23 January 2015

The year started off on a super high note, with the school enrolling over 120 new learners and 37 Grade R  learners. CityKidz has several  spaces left for Grade 1 and Grade R’s.

Intersen Phase Prizegiving

03 December 2014

CityKidz had their annual Intersen Phase prize-giving on 3 December 2014.
